Our team of digital currency experts consult and collaborate with government entities to test, launch and manage fiat digital currencies and stablecoins. Bitt’s robust DCMS integrates seamlessly into existing systems to facilitate the use of CBDC and stablecoin for instant settlement of transfers and payments.
Digital Currency Solutions for Governments
As digital currencies become more widely accepted and adopted around the world, governments and government entities face an inevitable need for adopting technology solutions to facilitate their implementation.
Bitt has pioneered a range of comprehensive digital currency solutions for governments, based on our Digital Currency Management System (DCMS) network platform. Our systems integrate seamlessly with existing systems to create a truly customized, white-label solution.
Our team of digital currencies experts bring a critical level of expertise and experience, helping to ensure the success of every phase of the process. From the design and implementation of policies and procedures through CBDC and stablecoin deployment and transaction management, we have the solutions you need for success.
CBDC and Stablecoin Workshop
A CBDC and Stablecoin Workshop provides an opportunity for government bodies to engage with CBDC and stablecoin subject matter experts from Bitt and other market-leading organizations. During a Workshop, participants discuss how the introduction of a CBDC or stablecoin could affect the domestic financial system and economy. Government agencies and departments can gain an understanding of how they can prepare for the introduction of a CBDC and/or stablecoin, and can determine how they would utilize these instruments in a particular region and beyond.
CBDC and Stablecoin Sandbox
Bitt’s CBDC Sandbox enables government bodies to interact with a fully functional digital currency system out of the box. The Sandbox offers participants an opportunity to effectively test, simulate and plan the operationalization of a digital currency. Governments can execute a variety of CBDC and stablecoin use-cases via DCMS applications, including transacting between a variety of stakeholders, reporting and monitoring functionality, and more.
CBDC Pilot
Government institutions seeking to participate in a CBDC Pilot project can utilize Bitt’s E-Government Suite to integrate with the CBDC network. The E-Government Suite enables government bodies to perform a variety of transactions for common use-cases such as accepting payment for government services, tax contributions, and more. Government can also test functionality for distributing payments for salaries, benefits, tax refunds, and more. Bitt helps ensure that governments are prepared to maximize the functionality of CBDCs and stablecoins.
CBDC and Stablecoin Deployment
Bitt provides the E-Government Suite for governments seeking to participate in the deployment and operationalization of a CBDC and/or stablecoin. The E-Government Suite enables government bodies to accept digital currencies for government services, taxes and other income streams; and to manage and report on all digital currency transactions and holdings. Governments can also utilize the E-Government Suite to distribute payments to employees and recipients of benefits, tax refunds, and other payments. All DCMS applications can be white-labelled per a government’s requirements.
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Development for Government
Preparing appropriately for CBDC implementation can have a critical impact on the success of your digital currency deployment. Bitt conducts CBDC Workshops, where our digital currency experts and other industry thought-leaders help government entities explore the potential benefits of launching fiat digital currencies.
With Bitt’s CBDC Sandbox, you and your stakeholders can see these concepts in action. You will have the ability to fully interact with CBDCs, including simulating and testing transactions, management, tracking and reporting.
Before full CBDC Deployment, our solutions can facilitate a CBDC Pilot program, allowing you to test minting, issuing and transacting with a limited group of chosen stakeholders. This can provide invaluable insight and help us fine-tune your policies and processes in advance.
DCMS for Governments
Governments around the world are embracing the inevitability of a digital currency revolution. The good news is that creating and rolling-out a CBDC or centralized stablecoin can provide multiple benefits for government entities, as long as all stakeholders are adequately prepared for their integration with existing systems and processes.
Bitt’s E-Government Suite, when implemented in conjunction with our Digital Currency Management System (DCMS), allows government entities to both make and accept digital currency payments. Our secure transaction management platform also enables tracking, management and reporting for CBDCs and stablecoins.