Welcome to our CBDC News! We've compiled a collection of quality information and insights related to central bank digital currencies and the future of financial technology.
Digital currencies, decentralized ledgers, and the future of central banking (2016)
NBER Working Papers - Max Raskin and David Yermack -
Initial coin offerings and the value of crypto tokens (2018)
NBER Working Papers - Christian Catalini and Joshua Gans -
On the equivalence of private and public money (2019)
https://www.nber.org/papers/w25877 -
From commodity to fiat and now to crypto (2019)
NBER Working Papers - Barry Eichengreen -
The economic limits of bitcoin and the blockchain (2018)
NBER Working Papers - Eric Budish -
Some simple economics on the blockchain (2018)
NBER Working Papers - Christian Catalini and Joshua Gans -
Distributed ledger technology: implications for payments, clearing, and settlement (2016)
US Federal Reserve - Board of Governors speeches - Lael Brainard -
Distributed ledger technology in payments, clearing, and settlement (2016)
US Federal Reserve - Board of Governors speeches -
Do we need central bank digital currency? (2018)
Universita Bocconi & SUERF -
Digital Cash: Principles and Practical Steps (2019)
NBER Working Papers - Michael Bordo and Andrew Levin -
Cashless stores and cash users (2019)
Atlanta Federal Reserve - Oz Shy -
Some Blockchain Challenges (2018)
Atlanta Federal Reserve - Larry D. Wall -
The case for central bank electronic money and the non-case for central bank cryptocurrencies (2018)
St. Louis Federal Reserve staff and working papers - Aleksander Berensten and Fabian Schar -
Assessing the impact of central bank digital currency on private banks (2018)
St. Louis Federal Reserve staff and working papers - David Andolfatto -
The financial markets in changing times Changes today and tomorrow: the digital future (2018)
Swiss National Bank -
Should central banks issue digital currency? (2019)
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia working papers - Todd Keister and Daniel Sanches -
Presentation - Should Central Banks IssueDigital Currency?
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia working papers - Todd Keister and Daniel Sanches -
Project Khokha (2018)
South African Reserve Bank -
Consultation paper on policy proposals for crypto assets (2019)
South African Reserve Bank - Crypto Assets Regulatory Working Group -
Financial market infrastructures: Walking the line between stability and innovation (2016)
Swiss National Bank - Thomas Jordan
e-krona project: Action plan for 2018 (2017)
Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden) -
Should the Riksbank issue an e-krona? (2016)
Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden) - Cecilia Skingsley -
Are bitcoin and other crypto-assets money?” (2018)
Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden) - Gabriel Soderberg -
Considerations for a cashless future (2018)
Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden) - Cecilia Skinglsey -
e-krona reports collection (2017 - 2019)
Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden)