Welcome to our CBDC News! We've compiled a collection of quality information and insights related to central bank digital currencies and the future of financial technology.
Digital innovation, data revolution, and central bank digital currency (2019)
Bank of Japan -
Innovations in payment technologies and the emergence of digital currencies (2014)
Bank of England -
The growing challenges for monetary policy in the current international monetary and financial system (2019)
Bank of England - Speech by Mark Carney at Jackson Hole -
Digital currencies research homepage
Bank of England -
The great illusion of digital currencies (2018)
Bank of Finland -
Central bank digital currencies: design principles and balance sheet implications (2018)
Bank of England - Staff Working Paper No. 725 -
Broadening narrow money: monetary policy with a central bank digital currency (2018)
Bank of England - Staff Working Paper No. 724 -
Central banks and digital currencies, speech by Ben Broadbent (2016)
Bank of England -
The macroeconomics of central bank issued digital currencies (2016)
Bank of England - Working Paper No. 605 -
Central bank digital currency and monetary policy (2018)
Bank of Canada - Staff Working Paper -
Central bank digital currency: Motivations and implications (2017)
Bank of Canada - Staff Discussion Paper -
Central bank digital currencies: A framework for assessing why and how (2016)
Bank of Canada - Staff Discussion Paper -
A policy framework for e-money (2018)